How to Negotiate a Delay Claim Successfully

Disputes are the norms of the construction industry. It is because the projects in construction are complex owing to their very nature. The most common cause of disputes and claims are the delays. It is, therefore, imperative to deal with the compensation matters wisely to avoid litigation.

Nevertheless, the countries where construction is the major contributor in the economy pay higher attention to eliminating barriers in the way of the smooth building process. For instance, construction projects in UAE required active support from all stakeholders to be completed successfully.

In a case, if any claim is raised from any contracting party, different methods are used to resolve the issues and restart the project. Besides others, negotiation is the most useful way of solving problems in project disruption.

However, the necessary thing is to look for the right way how to initiate and what should be the process of handling the issues. In this regard, selection of method is outstanding but more important is to hire an experienced delay expert who is responsible for analyzing the situation to figure out potential causes of projects’ disruption.

Essential Guide to Negotiate a Delay Claim Effectively

Contractors may face various types of disputes related to property leading to claims in construction. In such a situation, negotiation is the best way to resolve the conflict by discussion and presentation of facts. The negotiators help the parties in figuring out possible ways to fix it. But, the involved parties should have some knowledge of the process.

Here is the essential guide to help the construction project stakeholder in resolving their disputes through negotiation:


Identify Strengths and Weaknesses

The first and foremost important factor in dealing with the controversy in construction is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the problem. It is essential to understand the core causes of the claim. You have to observe the issues in detail to come up with better solutions.

Further, the credibility of the claims should be analyzed for higher knowledge acquisition to deal with the issue. A proper record of the delay claims and estimation of loss is also required for negotiations.

Analyze Opponents arguments critically

After having a detailed understanding of the issues related to the claims made for delay compensations, consider the arguments of opponents critically. It is because you cannot defend your stance without countering the arguments presented by the opposing party.

Present your stance logically

It has been observed that people generally lose their cases during negotiations. It is because of the reason that they become unable to presenting their evidence logically. So, you should be careful while describing the situation and reasons for the delay in the project.

Owing to this, many wise contractors acquire the services of experienced delay expert to eliminate unnecessary and irrelevant information presentation. The main reason is that professionals know how to use the weak point of opponents to defend your stance during negotiations.

In the bottom line

Summing up, negotiation is the most aspired way of dealing with construction claims. Many contractors consider it an effective method of handling delays related issues between the contracting parties. But, the success lies on the way stances are presented and defend professionally.


How to Organize a Glamping Event for Your Team

With outdoor camping events on the rise in the region and more and more organization in the UAE are looking to organize an event for their corporate teams that’s exciting, outdoorsy, and fun at the same time!

 UAE has it all when it comes to organizing a glamping event, it has the right people, it has the right amount of glamour, it has the right equipment, and it has the best locations where the campsites can be erected! Places like the Bedouin Oasis and Banan Beach are known for providing the ideal spots for glampers!

With everything in favor, all that’s left is hiring the best Event companies in Abu Dhabi to organize the right glamping event for the team. Read ahead to know how the best glamping event can be organized!

How to organize a glamping event


Organizing a glamping event is complicated. With so many things to ensure, there’s always a chance that anything could go wrong at the last minute. From the RSVP management to the delivery of the food and refreshments, there’s a lot that needs to be considered when organizing an event! Read on to know details:

Perform rain check

Outdoor events are only a success if they’ve been planned keeping the weather in mind. The last thing you want is your campsite getting lots of rain and ending up destroying the campsite. Do your research and inquire about the weather forecast from the Emirati meteorological departments. Plan once you've received the green signal from the relevant authorities!

 Inform the team and gather responses

Once the dates have been decided for the events, let your team know about the event that you're planning. RSVP management is essential as it allows you to make arrangements according to the number of people that will be attending the event.

Assign a budget

 Although it may just be about setting up camp, glamorous camping or glamping can be a little expensive. By assigning a budget for the event it’s possible to work with options within the assigned budget. The budget should include break down for:

  • The tents
  • Camping supplies
  • Food and refreshments
  • AV equipment

Choose the right venue

There’s nothing more disappointing than heading over to camp venue only to discover that it’s saturated with campers with little to no space to accommodate your team. It's not only sad but it’s also a waste of time and effort.

It's important to scan camping locations and find the perfect venue for your event. The campsite should be big enough to accommodate all your team members, their campsite, and any entertainment that you wish to include.

Choose the AV equipment and entertainment

Glamping is incomplete without the right entertainment. Refer to experts of AV equipment to help you set up an open air cinema for your event. Roll out the screen and set up the equipment performing a test run to see that it performs without any problems.

Always prepare for backup AV equipment in case of faults in the first one. It's quite common to ignore backup when renting AV equipment, but last minute faults can end up destroying the mood of the event. All the more reasons to rent AV equipment with the right back up!

Get the right menu

BBQ and bonfire is the right food for Camping events. Since there might be no refrigerators it’s important to source the right amount of food for the event, steer clear from fine dining menus, and opt for the best BBQ options available in the vicinity.

Take Away

Glamping events may seem a little rustic, but they're fun and exciting when the arrangements are done just right. Read the tips above for organizing the right glamping event or if it’s all too much for you,   get experts to help you out!

Opt for event companies in Abu Dhabi to help you out with the organization and management of the event. With experts designing your event, your camping event will be the most glamorous one ever!

Top Security Tips for High-end Events

Although organizing big-market events like jewelry exhibitions, diamond watch launches in Dubai makes planners feel lucky, it also puts a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. The reason is luxury items like jewelry, laptops, and others call for high security measures.

With increasing risks of robberies and thefts of expensive items, it is not easy to arrange a jewelry (or any other expensive item) launch or auction safely.

According to a Gulf News report, a couple stole 3.27 carat diamond worth Dh 300,000 last year, similarly, a gang ran off with Dh2.4 million gold in Abu Dhabi on Feb 28 2019.

In fact, there are so many cases that indicate one thing – you’ve got to be highly cautious while organizing a top-of-the-line jewelry (or expensive product) show.

Take professional planners’ help in this regard. Opt for the best corporate events Dubai based services to ensure the event’s success and security. Expert event planners make sure all the top-notch safety and security measures are in place to avoid theft risks.

Keep reading to know about some of the best security tips by expert event planners for corporate clients.

Best Security Tips for High-Grade Events

Event venues hold various security risks, especially, if it’s a high-grade show, such as a gem exhibition or diamond auction. Robbers and tricksters can use all the possible ways to take advantage of the crowd. So, be careful while planning; here are some tips to consider.

Assess Event Risks

Risk assessment is a fundamental part of event planning. It helps to know about your possible threats and enables you to nip these dangers in the bud.

Your key risk assessment areas include venue and guest safety planning, emergency preparedness like first aid, alarm monitoring and surveillance system installations, cyber and security guard training etcetera.

Ensure VVIP Protocols

High-end event attendees are usually elites, royalty, and dignitaries! Meaning, you also need to ensure VVIP protocols for these guests for their safety.

Con artists or thieves can target and use VVIPs to attain their ultimate goal – steal the precious item/s!

Arrange luxury cars, roll out the red carpet, and prepare warm welcomes for each of your VVIPs.  Consider deploying extra security personnel to guard the honorable participants.

Prevent Gatecrashers

Set up a fool-proof system to prevent gatecrashes from entering your venue. Focus on RVSP management and introduce the latest thumb or face recognition system for guest entry. You can install smart locks to the doors and security gates and ask for entry passes to let the right people access the site.

Also, there should not be any extra person even in the parking lot or in the neighborhood. For this purpose, spread your guards everywhere in and around the place. Arrest anyone found with suspicious identity to mitigate the risks.

Hire Specialist Event Planners

Pro event organizers get security and safety training before joining the event planning industry. Their knowledge is above par in this regards.

Therefore, it’s a brilliant idea to opt for the best corporate events Dubai based services to celebrate a fool-proof and safe high-end show.

Key Takeaways

Planning top-of-the-line events like diamond watch launches or gem exhibitions seem fascinating. But, they are a challenge for the organizers.

The reason is luxury items such as gemstones pose high theft risks. Con artists and opportunities fix their eyes on such events to avail chances of stealing.

So, as a business owner, it is essential for you to mitigate theft risks by following the tips given:

  • Assess your event risks and remove them
  • Ensure VVIP protocols
  • Prevent entry of gatecrashers and
  • Hire specialist planners to rock the show!

Ideas for Corporate Summer Fun on a Yacht

Summer is in full swing in Dubai. The time of the year when Emiratis want to beat the scorching heat at any cost. The heated high-rise buildings, compact workplaces, and crowded malls make many feel annoyed and irritated. Can you think of fun under these circumstances?

The fact is no matter the temperature; summer can’t limit the activities of the corporate sector. There can be many activities to carry out during the hot season. For instance, fun on the yacht – which hosts as well as guests love to attend.

The best thing about arranging a yacht event is despite the rising temperature, participants will enjoy it even during daytime hours.

So, if you are thinking of summer fun on a yacht, opt for the best event companies in Dubai to help you make your fun dream come true. Read on to know some of the best ideas by experts for summer fun on a yacht.


Ways to Celebrate on a Yacht

Deep blue water is known to have healing power. It also helps to improve mood. So amazing is the idea to celebrate corporate events on yachts and please your business guests. It will make the attendees feel happier and more valued. Here are expert tips for boat celebrations.

Select a Theme

Regardless of the type of corporate event, it’s always a fun idea to select a theme for your yacht event. You can select a casual theme for the celebration. For instance, sea creatures or pirates theme can be the best ideas to add more fun. For pirate theme décor, you can use black flags, garlands and corals, gold bar boxes and candy necklaces and more.

Choose Activities

Just going on a boat is not enough. You should have some activities in mind to keep the guests engaged. Some party fun activities include dancing, fishing, sunbathing and many more.

Don’t forget yummy seafood and tasty cocktails to serve to your guests. It’s because eating is also an excellent mood elevator for many foodies.

Offer Little Surprises

Imagine your friends’ reaction when they find little surprises from you on the yacht events. Surprises, small or big – always help to bring smiles on faces.

Tow best surprising ideas are that you can arrange a surprise performance or offer secret goodie bags at the end of the event.

Pre-plan Everything

“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time.” – Leonard Bernstein


Yachting is an excellent summer fun both for corporate and others. However, it requires careful planning to ensure the success of the event.

From budgeting to RVSP management – everything should be pre-defined and well organized. It’s because if you don’t take care of these things, it can leave a bad impact on your guests if something goes wrong.

Therefore, if you are an Emirati business group, wanting to celebrate a yacht event, opt for the best event companies in Dubai to ensure smooth and successful planning. It reduces the chances of mismanagement when you involve professional planners.

Bottom Line

Summertime is here in the UAE. The time to celebrate events on yachts. It’s because partying in the deep blue waters is always a fun idea that impresses many people.

The top ways for yacht events include selecting the right theme, planning surprises, and picking different activities for guest engagement.

Above all, don’t forget to hire the best event planners to ensure your party planning goes smooth and successful.

Top Qualities An Event Management Firm Should Have

When one is planning to gather large numbers of people, then there are a lot of ideas to look for. It can be an occasion of the trade show, exclusive retreat or making all arrangements for a big corporate event. It is a far big job to handle by a person. An event management company can deal with all those arrangements very quickly and competently because of many years of experience.

Though, this fact is important to ensure that the hired firm is reputable in the market, which can be easily tested by following five qualities. If the firm has these qualities then certainly it is a great vendor.

qualities of event management firm

Time Management

Preparation of any major occasion or the upcoming event required time management skills. Events companies in Abu Dhabi work on every single detail of the event by making a proper plan. A schedule is drawn up.


Other than time concerns, preparation for a large corporate occasion requires careful organizational skills. There is lots of information that is required to look for, as it is vital to analyze the working of each domain that is involved in the event. Any events company should have assurances of organization and efficiency that will make it a great event.

Competent Team

It is always said that a single person cannot perform each and every task. After all, this is the only fact behind outsourcing. There is a requirement of handy large team members that can cover all minute planning details of a large gathering. The team should be proficient enough to handle catering, marketing, equipment and other facts that come into play.


This world contains all kinds of people that have different opinions and attitude to deal with any problem. A good planner should be able to cope with all the clients alike in the professional but in a courteous manner. Undoubtedly, putting large gathering all together is a difficult and frustrating process, but the people in charge should be in a position to stay calm and maintain professional relations all time.


There is the great requirement of every company is to keep their clients fully informed at all times about the planning. If the problem appears in an event then there is a need to change the plan. The client must know earlier and should be applied after complete discussion.


The greatest asset of any event company is flexibility and creativity as they need to anticipate these potential snags whenever they crop up. The main reason for hiring events companies in Abu Dhabi is to relieve stress for organizing a successful corporate occasion.

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Different Types of Corporate Events

There is no better way of meeting and engaging the employees then organizing a corporate event. People enjoy some time off work, and it will be great to have interaction with other people. There are several different types of corporate events you can think off, and this blog will discuss some of the popular events.

types of corporate events

It is not surprising that business events have basically become a huge business industry especially in the UAE. Many UAE companies or bigger names in the corporate sectors hire consultants of corporate events Dubai for their events who have expertise in planning the events while small business asks the management team or HR group to organize the event.

Types of Corporate Events

Listed below are some of the most popular types of corporate events:

Trade Exhibition

Various organizations tend to organize events as one of their primary activities which involve hosting and sponsoring a trade show which will reinforce the image of the organization or the business. This will raise awareness for anyone who attends the trade show and also acts as a marketing technique for bragging new customers.

trade exhibition

Trade shows also involve proper planning which also means negotiating with sponsors, jotting down other companies who would like to install a booth, banners for advertisement and other fun activities which will engage the visitors.

Other elements of organizing trade shows can include free giveaways, complimentary vouchers for some of the services, staff communication with the potential customers.

Annual Dinners

Who does not like good food at a right place? People always enjoy food, and when it is with the company, it is even better.

Annual Dinners

Dinner gala is one of the types of corporate events that can be a way to enhance the communication and interaction within the company members as well as an understanding of different departments. It is a chance for people to communicate and know each other while enjoying good food. Often during work routines, we do not have any time to know what other people are working on even the project other departments are working on.

The corporate annual dinners should be organized keeping in mind any religious or cultural food restrictions because if the company cannot consider your moral, religious values then what it is good for.

Product Launch Event

A product launch can be the launch of any new service or product introduced by the company. This can involve the internal transmission of the information about the product launch. However, there is a different department which needs to be informed about the upcoming products. Once the team and company members know about the product then after testing the market situation, the company will decide to launch the product officially.

Product Launch Event

Whether it is internal information or the external launch of the product or the service, you need to have event management consultants for its planning and management. There can be some flashy introduction of the product which can make the product stand out.

This kind of corporate events can generate the media marketing and grab their attention. However, on the other hand, it can introduce the executives of the company in the market leaving an impact.

Appreciation Events

Annually there should be a day which will be dedicated to appreciating the hard work of the people who have led your business into what it is today. An employee does not want anything more than appreciation and knowing that you are being appreciated is one of the most peaceful things. Organizing such types of corporate events will boost the morale of the employee.

Employee Appreciation Event

Appreciation events give room to spend time with the employees and letting them know how much you appreciate their efforts and hard work they put in for the company projects. There can be a small employee recognition ceremony which can be creatively planned by the organizers. Appreciation can even be combined with annual dinners where employees can also enjoy a good get-to-gather.

These events can also be named as incentive events because people will look forward to these events like anything and work harder to achieve that goal for the award. It is the management who decide about the appreciation incentive and can announce during the mid-year to keep the people motivated and enthusiastic about their work.

The Perks Of Hiring An Event Planner!

hiring an event planner

Forget About Stress

It is not your thing to spend all the valuable time in organizing the intended event. Hiring an event planner, who is professional and experienced, can be a best choice. He will work closely with you in order to get things done as per your liking and instructions, before, during and even after the even if required.

Budgeting – Another Perk of Hiring and Event Planner

No need to worry about budgeting. Planners hired by you will help allocate money in the right and required passion, ensuring the best possible utilization of funds allocated for the event.

Service Providers

Event management companies and their planning teams are loaded with links in the local and international markets, therefore locating and arranging the right service providers and vendors is made easy by them for you. They also refer only those solution providers that fall within the allocated budget brackets.


Tampering with new ideas is always great; however when it comes to event organization, then this idea may not prove to be the right one. It is experience that will always go a long way by turning the intended event into a great success.


Real performers in the said domain will always ensure that they pay full attention to details and turn all your details to reality so that things go as per the plan.


With a stunning boom in the domain of social mediums like FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest etc, event planning is turning out to be further detail oriented. Professionals operating in this domain will make things certain incorporating all the required elements so as to ensure that your mission is heading in the right direction.


When working on complex issues that may require effective and quicker dissolving, having a neutral party may make a huge difference at the time of decision making. Ensure that you have experienced planners close to you during such events.

Local In Focus

Do not outsource the highly sensitive and critical task of event management to third parties that are not near you. Especially, avoid part-timers or freelancers if you want to stay away from trouble and embarrassments. Focus on local event companies that are located near to you, this will save you time and money both.

Mobile Response

As the event is announced and the intended date of event starts approaching, questions, queries and confusion may rise. Your professional event management solution providers will respond in a mobile passion, i.e. all the queries and concerns will be diverted toward the event planning team hired by you. This will save you all the hassle and will enable you to focus on other important areas that need your attention.

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