Top Security Tips for High-end Events

Although organizing big-market events like jewelry exhibitions, diamond watch launches in Dubai makes planners feel lucky, it also puts a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. The reason is luxury items like jewelry, laptops, and others call for high security measures.

With increasing risks of robberies and thefts of expensive items, it is not easy to arrange a jewelry (or any other expensive item) launch or auction safely.

According to a Gulf News report, a couple stole 3.27 carat diamond worth Dh 300,000 last year, similarly, a gang ran off with Dh2.4 million gold in Abu Dhabi on Feb 28 2019.

In fact, there are so many cases that indicate one thing – you’ve got to be highly cautious while organizing a top-of-the-line jewelry (or expensive product) show.

Take professional planners’ help in this regard. Opt for the best corporate events Dubai based services to ensure the event’s success and security. Expert event planners make sure all the top-notch safety and security measures are in place to avoid theft risks.

Keep reading to know about some of the best security tips by expert event planners for corporate clients.

Best Security Tips for High-Grade Events

Event venues hold various security risks, especially, if it’s a high-grade show, such as a gem exhibition or diamond auction. Robbers and tricksters can use all the possible ways to take advantage of the crowd. So, be careful while planning; here are some tips to consider.

Assess Event Risks

Risk assessment is a fundamental part of event planning. It helps to know about your possible threats and enables you to nip these dangers in the bud.

Your key risk assessment areas include venue and guest safety planning, emergency preparedness like first aid, alarm monitoring and surveillance system installations, cyber and security guard training etcetera.

Ensure VVIP Protocols

High-end event attendees are usually elites, royalty, and dignitaries! Meaning, you also need to ensure VVIP protocols for these guests for their safety.

Con artists or thieves can target and use VVIPs to attain their ultimate goal – steal the precious item/s!

Arrange luxury cars, roll out the red carpet, and prepare warm welcomes for each of your VVIPs.  Consider deploying extra security personnel to guard the honorable participants.

Prevent Gatecrashers

Set up a fool-proof system to prevent gatecrashes from entering your venue. Focus on RVSP management and introduce the latest thumb or face recognition system for guest entry. You can install smart locks to the doors and security gates and ask for entry passes to let the right people access the site.

Also, there should not be any extra person even in the parking lot or in the neighborhood. For this purpose, spread your guards everywhere in and around the place. Arrest anyone found with suspicious identity to mitigate the risks.

Hire Specialist Event Planners

Pro event organizers get security and safety training before joining the event planning industry. Their knowledge is above par in this regards.

Therefore, it’s a brilliant idea to opt for the best corporate events Dubai based services to celebrate a fool-proof and safe high-end show.

Key Takeaways

Planning top-of-the-line events like diamond watch launches or gem exhibitions seem fascinating. But, they are a challenge for the organizers.

The reason is luxury items such as gemstones pose high theft risks. Con artists and opportunities fix their eyes on such events to avail chances of stealing.

So, as a business owner, it is essential for you to mitigate theft risks by following the tips given:

  • Assess your event risks and remove them
  • Ensure VVIP protocols
  • Prevent entry of gatecrashers and
  • Hire specialist planners to rock the show!