Mistakes to avoid while hosting a hit employee recognition ceremony

Employees wait for whole year for the employee recognition ceremony. It is a very special day for them! It is a function in which high performing employees of a company are offered awards and trophies. From recognizing the best teams to employee-of-the-year, employee recognition ceremony is a great time to encourage and inspire employees for their backbreaking work.

Moreover, award functions are worth the effort as they can help to promote your business and generate revenue. They enthuse everyone in the company – besides just motivating your high achievers! Therefore, many corporate groups arrange award ceremony on an annual or bi-annual basis. If you are also all set to host an employee recognition ceremony, make sure to apply all the tips given below for successfully achieving your goal.

There are many event management companies in UAE. These companies help organize different kinds of corporate events such as, employee recognition ceremony, annual sports day and more. You can find and involve the best company that arranges corporate events Dubai to take advantage of their professional services.

Mistakes to avoid while hosting a hit employee recognition ceremony

Collaborate with your selected corporate event organizers and strive to make it the most-memorable experience for the guests. Choose a nice venue, select unique decoration and above all, avoid the below given small mistakes that can spoil the fun!

Mistakes to Avoid While Hosting a Fantastic Corporate Event

Suppose, you did everything that is required to make your event a super hit. However, you ignored some of the most common mistakes that even experienced event organizers can make. What will happen? All your efforts will be at stake! Lets discuss all these potential pitfalls one by one:

Mistake 1: Dragging the Ceremony

Employee recognition ceremony should not be too long that people start feeling bored and exhausted. If this happens, they might start leaving their seats slowly. Therefore, keep it short and precise. Don’t add extra activities such as longer speeches and lengthy performances.

Mistake 2: Inadequate Arrangement

The inadequate arrangement of supplies, such as refreshment, dishes, seats etcetera can embarrass you more than any other thing. Confirm your guest list for this. Once you have the updated list, order a sufficient supply of food and other requirements for them. For instance, a total number of 700 attendees are confirmed, order food and other supplies for more guests than you have estimated.

Mistake 3: Not Being Prepared

Employees have busy working schedules that don’t allow them time to prepare. This way they can risk their performance in the employee recognition ceremony. You should be well-prepared for the event. This will save you from any inconvenience during the event.

Mistake 4: Not Inspecting the Equipment

Not inspecting your hardware such as microphones, laptops, speakers and lighting beforehand is a big risk. What if the microphone or speaker (your staff fixed a day ago) stops to work? So, test everything before the beginning of the event. If there is something wrong with any of the equipment, act fast to replace or fix it.

Mistake 5: Ignoring Security & Safety

Security and safety of your guests, attendees and VVIPs are extremely important. While arranging an employee recognition ceremony, make sure your corporate clients and guests feel safe and secure. Furthermore, risk assessment (of the venue) is also crucial. It should be secure from all issues that may occur. For instance, fire outbreak, rain, water leakage, and terrorism etcetera.

Mistakes to avoid while hosting a hit employee recognition ceremony


Everyone wishes to host a superb employee recognition ceremony, not all succeed to do this. The biggest reason is many organizers ignore making small planning mistakes that can ruin the fun! To avoid this, hire a professional company who specializes in Corporate events Dubai for arranging a memorable award function for your company.

How To Organize An Inter-School Sports Competition?

Schools are also full of fun and there is a healthy sense of competition among students. Different events keep on happening throughout the year. Most children are good at sports or at least they have strong interest in one type of sport.

On that note just to appreciate the talent and also evoke a healthy sense of competition among students you can actually organize an inter-school sports competition. There has to be no particular sports but all types of sports should be included just like global Olympics.

It might seem like a small event but believe you me this can drive you nuts because you are dealing with younger age group and satisfying them is the hardest thing. If you want some professional help then events companies in Abu Dhabi should be come as a good professional support.

inter-school sports competition

Because inter-school competition is not a piece of cake and there are so many things you need to consider for planning and organizing part and this article is going to give you some secret tips to do so.

Tips To Organize Inter-School Sports Competition

Because it is going to be a multi-day event then execution and planning process should be robust and logical. You are going to organize in a way that it will make the event look like a real competition but also funky for the young generation.

Before you are up for the exact plan you need to meet the stakeholders to understand their expectation and also look for their suggestion. This article is all about some essential elements and tips you can’t afford to miss while organizing inter-school sports competition.

So shall we start?

Venue Of The Event

You are dealing with a lot of people from student’s participation, management, parents and even the classmate of the students. This means the venue needs to be huge with big grounds for different type of activities.

The selection of the venue should be based on the location and the usability it will bring in.

Decide The Types Of Sports

The foremost element to consider while organizing inter-school sports competition. This is essential because there are so many different types of sports then you need to decide which one you want to hold for this event. This will be carried with a discussion with management and sport’s coach because they need to prepare the students accordingly.

Decide The Dates

It is going to be a 3-day long event so you need to decide the dates which is suitable for all schools participating. Based on the dates the other two elements discussed before are going to rely.

Make sure that it is not any public holiday because it might interrupt different activities.

First Aid

It is going to be a support event you have to have some kind of first aid ready for any small mishap. This is also a safety thing because it will also ensure students and parents and teachers about injury management.

Have some professionals on standby during the game time.

Final Lines

Sports events are fun when they evoke the sense of competition between schools in regions. It excites the nerves but the event needs to be managed well.

If you are up for organizing one inter-school sports competition in UAE then let events companies in Abu Dhabi take the stress while you enjoy the matches.

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Useful Tips To Arrange New Product Launch Event

Every businessperson wants to acquire success in pursuance of the vision aspired by all and sundry. Generally, the mission is carried out by introducing innovative products which in return generate augmented profitability.

However, the way in which new product is launched makes a big difference. It is because it creates a significant impact on the people. Not only this, it is a method of achieving marketing objectives comprehensively. 

New Product Launch Event Ideas

However, many business organizations consider hiring marketing professionals to arrange the new product launch event, which is a mistake.  The advertising experts are proficient in their fields but lack proper expertise in event management.

So, in case you have decided to hold your upcoming product launch in UAE, don’t forget to consider taking assistance from events companies in Abu Dhabi. It’s because of the success of any product primarily depends on its grand launch ceremony.


A few new product launch event ideas and tips are given to throw elegant event which is helpful for clients as well as event planners to stay at the safe side!

Product Brief

It is imperative to note that the launch event must revolve around the product itself. It may be possible that many people are not familiar with your products or services including the newly coming.  So, keep this fact in mind while you are arranging the event for making adding another item to the products family.

For this, you may do the due:

  • Product brief standee can be an easy way to help the people in getting familiar with your products.
  • Use technology in the form of LEDs to run presentations and promotional videos.
  • In the beginning, when the event starts, play introductory video to help people know the name and applications of the product.

Make It An Enjoyable Event

Generally, new product launch event is very formal which may create a lack of interest among the participants. Therefore, it is essential to keep people engaged. For this you can do the following:

  • Arrange different fun activities such as open mike, customer review sessions, and suggestions corners.
  • If you are not offering refreshment to all individuals, arrange paid food spots from where participants can buy food.
  • Invite celebrities to keep the people engaged or a concert for a short time can make the event highly engaging.
  • You can trust the capabilities of events companies in Abu Dhabi or other parts of the world to make the entertainment activities more exciting for the attendee.

Free Offering or Product Trials

At the time when you are planning the event for your product launch, ask yourself what makes the people encourage being the part of this ceremony. You will surely get the answer in the right way – what they are going to get from your event?

Here are a few things you can do to allure more people to come and stay motivated until the end:

  • Include a lucky draw scheme for the participants for the end of the event.
  • People should have given discount vouchers for similar products.
  • Free take away samples should be offered to the people, and it will help them your use your products.
  • Introduce packages for buying products with additional advantages.

Final Thought

The destiny of a new product is no doubt decided at the spot on its launch. Now, it’s up to you that how you can bring the probability of success to your brand by exploiting all available opportunities.

Don’t forget to nominate brand ambassadors before the new product launch event!

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Top Three Things To Look For When Selecting The Caterer For Your Event

No matter what kind of even it is food is always central. If you came back from a glorious event, then the first question your friends and family member would ask will be what did you eat?

We all are behind good food so if you are an event planner you just can't leave this element laying there till last minute. While eating food people have once in a lifetime type of conversations because it brings people together.

Food is common ground, A universal experience - James Beard

Having said that food is central to events as well because it binds people from different background together. Human beings usually love to talk so when they have the change to indulge in great food and conversation then why not.

If you are an event manager or planner in any part of the world, you need to put your attention to putting up great food. If you are in Dubai and want your event to be organized by professional event management companies in Dubai, then Urban Events should be your top choice.

event catering

Making The Right Caterer Choice For Your Next Event

As 2019 is around the corner events are going to increase so you need to track down the great food because no matter how great theme you have or how talented team you have-it always comes down to great food.  So if you are worried about the right selection of the event caterers then here is a handy guide to help you right. Consider these things and you are sorted:

Identify The Size Of The Event And Budget:

This might sound cliché, but it is an essential element because if you are not sure about how many people are attending the event, then you are going to mess up big time.

Make sure that you are hiring someone who can handle the number of participants you are expecting in your event. Give the caterer of your participants upfront so they can tell you if they will be able to pull it off well or not.

The Type Of Meal You Are Serving:

Most of the events usually opt for meals which can be eaten on the go. So if you are planning to do that, then you need to sit and discuss the whole menu with your caterers.

When you are finalizing the menu, then you need to know that people have different food choices so you want to give them the food which they can easily eat like a vegan, vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods.

Check Out Their Previous Working History:

You caterer food is going to represent you, so you have to be careful with the selection. Event management and planning might be top-notch, but you need to bring up your food game.

Thus when selecting the caterer then you need to trust the one which has positive reviews in the past. Be sure to check the previous working record before you finalize the contract.

Final Words

The event industry is great fun, and there are so many things you need to take into account for top-notch event and food should be a top priority.

Remember!! If you are uncertain about your next event in Dubai, then event companies in Dubai will provide you with excellent services for organizing a great event.

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How To Make Your Holiday Event Fun For Your Employees

It is vital to incorporate traditions in business organizations because they are like a family. The employees share many moments of collective struggles to bring success to the companies. Therefore, the culture of sharing happiness is a must for corporations.

It goes without doubt that celebrations excite the people in doing their work much better as compared to the past. Further, it is imperative to make the employees realize that they are valuable members of the organization. It can be done by hosting corporate events.

Nevertheless, hosting a holiday event within the organization is an excellent technique of boosting the morale of the employees. It is because the workforce must be kept motivate for delivering higher productivity.

Useful Tips To Incorporate Fun In Employee’ Holiday Events

There is no denying the fact that recreation is the prime element of events. So, if your organization is going to hold a holiday celebration within the premise, consider things wisely.

You may host destination events in other places such as UAE, but for this, you have to take assistance from highly experience event companies in Dubai for effective planning and management.

For your ease, here are the tips:

Devise a Guiding Committee

There is no one person show when it comes to event planning. So, consider devising a group from the workforce as an activity committee. The responsibility of this committee should be to identify essential things to make the up-coming event an ultimate fun for all employees.

The chief objective of the committee should be to give suggestions that how employees gathering can be arranged on the holidays.

The Duration Of The Event

Generally, people either forget to consider the time duration or ignore it deliberately. It is important to note that if an activity is going to be held on a holiday, the attendee already has delayed their personal schedules.

Therefore, the duration of the event should be kept to manageable for all and sundry. It will not only help you to make a small get together but also will save the employees’ time.

In case, you want to enjoy the event to its fullest, don’t forget to hire professional event companies to manage everything on your behalf.

Honor Diversity

Holiday events should match individual preference. It is the key to making an event equally enjoyable for all the participants.

For instance, if the hot dogs are served in refreshment, it might be possible that the vegetarian could not enjoy the meal leading to disturbance during the gathering.

Therefore, diversity requirements must be considered in order to accommodate every individual in the best way possible.

Takes Away

To sum up, event hosting is a complex activity and especially when you are going to plan a holiday event. It is essential to focus on every aspect including the time schedule, the number of participants, refreshment, event activities, as well as the destination or venue.

Considering the case of UAE or another developed country, many corporations get helping hand from event companies in Dubai to ease their work. It is because professional know how to make the events fun for all participants.

Ideas For Your Next Corporate Event

Corporate events have always had a feeling of grimness attached to them. But that doesn’t always have to be the case! Many companies manage to pull off events that relay the company’s message whether its appreciation and acknowledgement of employees or collection of funds for a charitable cause. Along with delivering the message, the companies are able to provide an opportunity for employees to have the time of their lives.

Who doesn’t want an event that is fun to attend and also serves a corporate purpose? With the emergence of experts dealing with corporate events Dubai, an exciting event is just a phone call away!  Experts in the field, provide comprehensive organizational and management services that leave your guests satisfied and in awe.


This article aims to highlight some ideas that companies can make use of when organizing their next big event:

Team Building Events

Events shouldn't always be about official work and themes, they can also be used to generate a spirit of teamwork among the employees. Allowing them to work together to accomplish a common goal.

Some Fun Team Building Activities Include:

Scavenger Hunt

Choose an amusement park or a botanical garden to organise for the scavenger hunt and divide workforce into teams rewarding those that complete their hunts with restaurant vouchers.

Laser Tag

A simple game of laser tag involves strategizing, teamwork and a lot of logic allowing teams to work together to defeat the competition. Employees not only get to be kids again but they also get to have a good workout.

Social Welfare Events

The corporate sector is not only about work and revenue. It is important to relay the importance of social welfare to the employees working within the organization. The most important thing a company can do is to organize charity events or participate in charities that are working for a cause.

Social welfare events provide a great way for individuals

Food Pantries And Soup Kitchen

Partner with a charity and take over their soup kitchen or food pantry for a day. Encourage employees to participate in the initiative. Social welfare events are not only important for inculcating a sense of humility within the employees, but they also contribute towards e a major part of the Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives of a firm.


Orphanage And Old Age Homes

Take your team out to an orphanage or an old age home and encourage them to volunteer with the management of operating in the facilities. Not only does it give them a chance to mingle with people from diverse backgrounds other than their teams, but it also allows them to oversee the operation of other organizations.

Casual Fun Events

A casual fun event may be what employees need after a long year working at the company. Depending upon the size of the event; the event may be a department event or a company-wide event.  In the case of a company-wide event, the venue should be able to accommodate the employees.

Some fun events that can be organized include:

A Company Picnic

A picnic that includes cookout and barbecue may just be the type of relaxing evening that most employees need.  Employees can relax in the midst of nature and play music, games and have a good time outside the melancholy of their office space.

Sports And Games

Partner with an organization to arrange a ball game for your employees. You’re killing two birds with one stone; providing your employees with an opportunity to have fun while also promoting the company that is sponsoring your game.


Though not for the faint of heart, a cruise followed by lunch or dinner at a seaside restaurant may be a perfect time off that most employees need. With scenic views and the ocean air, employees are bound to love it. Prepare for "sick bags" though as not many people can handle a cruise! 

Get-Set-GO! Organize The Best Event!

Whether it’s a cruise for a department or a companywide picnic, corporate events have a feeling of excitement associated with them. IF organized well! A poorly organized event is bound to destroy the morale of everyone attending.

The key to organizing an exceptional corporate event is to hire the right people for the job. Companies providing management and organization services for corporate events Dubai can help organize astounding events for companies hoping to “wow” their guests.

Hiring experts will not only take the additional burden of work away from your shoulders, but it will also provide you with an event that employees will talk about for many years to come!

6 Benefits Of Hiring Event Companies For Corporate Events

Nothing beats the excitement of an upcoming event at a workplace. From annual galas and award ceremonies to sports and other corporate events, conferences, entertainment and networking opportunities gets the whole workplace buzzing!

Hiring Event Companies For Corporate Events

If your superiors have entrusted you with the exciting yet cumbersome task of organizing an event at your workplace and you are eager to please, save time and impress superiors and attendees by hiring a professional service that knows what needs to be done and how!

The workings of the corporate world require professionalism in every aspect, even in the organization of a 3-hr motivational session at your workplace. Event management services nowadays have multiple years of experience in event organization and management and an ever growing client portfolio. Don’t hesitate to get help from experts!

Experts not only come up with revolutionary ideas but also help recreate what you have in mind making even the most boring events fun and enjoyable for your employees. If you have your mind set on a 3 day destination event in the UAE, with desert safaris and bonfires, get in touch with events companies in Abu Dhabi and watch your ideas become reality!

Here are 6 reasons to convince you to hire a professional, if you haven’t picked up the phone yet!

Ensure Health and Safety

When you are planning something on a major scale at your workplace, the main cause of concern should be the health and safety hazards. With so much on your plate already, who needs the additional worries?

Handover your work to a firm that deals with corporate events and lay back as they gather the necessary paperwork and coordinate procedures in a  way to ensure everyone’s safety.

Work Within Budgets

These firms are specialized to give you value for your money regardless of the budget set up for your event. By collecting information about your budget, your preferences and the necessities the firm can arrange a top quality memorable event.

Look after Logistics

Your chosen firm will take care of all the supplies, equipment and the entire logistics at the event. While you sit back and relax, the firm will have arranged for you an exquisite and appropriate ambience for your company event.

Create and Innovate

 Not only do specialist firms follow what you ask them to do, but they also create and innovate. In case you have no idea about the type of entertainment you’d want at an event, leave it to the hired professionals to make the event a “hit”.

Even with the most basic details and without detailed information, the specialists will be able to whip up something unique and exquisite.

Research and Refine

When working with experts, you do not have to worry about finding the lowest prices or the best quality food. Experts tend to keep track of all the best promotions, prices and packages that all sellers are offering.

Also, select your service provider depending on your need. For example, if you’re planning an awards night at your workplace, hire a local company that offers a good package and has received good reviews from its customers.

For destination corporate events, contact well reputed multinationals or companies local to the destination you have in mind. If you had planned a 3 day conference in UAE, contact renowned events companies in Abu Dhabi and let them do their job while you sit back home and relax!

Top Notch Organization Skills

Specialized firms have a knack for organization. They have negotiating abilities that helps large teams work together consistently and work hard to ensure that nothing goes wrong.

In case something does go wrong, they will have prepared for all things in advance with backups and contingency plans. All the more reasons to choose a specialist for this task!

Take Away

In today’s corporate world, acquiring the assistance of third party firms that specialize in events management and organization has become a norm.

With an increasing need for extremely detailed organization and step by step planning to make the corporate events not just a success but exemplary and a memorable ones for many years to come, professionals need to be called in!