Mistakes to avoid while hosting a hit employee recognition ceremony

Employees wait for whole year for the employee recognition ceremony. It is a very special day for them! It is a function in which high performing employees of a company are offered awards and trophies. From recognizing the best teams to employee-of-the-year, employee recognition ceremony is a great time to encourage and inspire employees for their backbreaking work.

Moreover, award functions are worth the effort as they can help to promote your business and generate revenue. They enthuse everyone in the company – besides just motivating your high achievers! Therefore, many corporate groups arrange award ceremony on an annual or bi-annual basis. If you are also all set to host an employee recognition ceremony, make sure to apply all the tips given below for successfully achieving your goal.

There are many event management companies in UAE. These companies help organize different kinds of corporate events such as, employee recognition ceremony, annual sports day and more. You can find and involve the best company that arranges corporate events Dubai to take advantage of their professional services.

Mistakes to avoid while hosting a hit employee recognition ceremony

Collaborate with your selected corporate event organizers and strive to make it the most-memorable experience for the guests. Choose a nice venue, select unique decoration and above all, avoid the below given small mistakes that can spoil the fun!

Mistakes to Avoid While Hosting a Fantastic Corporate Event

Suppose, you did everything that is required to make your event a super hit. However, you ignored some of the most common mistakes that even experienced event organizers can make. What will happen? All your efforts will be at stake! Lets discuss all these potential pitfalls one by one:

Mistake 1: Dragging the Ceremony

Employee recognition ceremony should not be too long that people start feeling bored and exhausted. If this happens, they might start leaving their seats slowly. Therefore, keep it short and precise. Don’t add extra activities such as longer speeches and lengthy performances.

Mistake 2: Inadequate Arrangement

The inadequate arrangement of supplies, such as refreshment, dishes, seats etcetera can embarrass you more than any other thing. Confirm your guest list for this. Once you have the updated list, order a sufficient supply of food and other requirements for them. For instance, a total number of 700 attendees are confirmed, order food and other supplies for more guests than you have estimated.

Mistake 3: Not Being Prepared

Employees have busy working schedules that don’t allow them time to prepare. This way they can risk their performance in the employee recognition ceremony. You should be well-prepared for the event. This will save you from any inconvenience during the event.

Mistake 4: Not Inspecting the Equipment

Not inspecting your hardware such as microphones, laptops, speakers and lighting beforehand is a big risk. What if the microphone or speaker (your staff fixed a day ago) stops to work? So, test everything before the beginning of the event. If there is something wrong with any of the equipment, act fast to replace or fix it.

Mistake 5: Ignoring Security & Safety

Security and safety of your guests, attendees and VVIPs are extremely important. While arranging an employee recognition ceremony, make sure your corporate clients and guests feel safe and secure. Furthermore, risk assessment (of the venue) is also crucial. It should be secure from all issues that may occur. For instance, fire outbreak, rain, water leakage, and terrorism etcetera.

Mistakes to avoid while hosting a hit employee recognition ceremony


Everyone wishes to host a superb employee recognition ceremony, not all succeed to do this. The biggest reason is many organizers ignore making small planning mistakes that can ruin the fun! To avoid this, hire a professional company who specializes in Corporate events Dubai for arranging a memorable award function for your company.