How to Organize a Glamping Event for Your Team

With outdoor camping events on the rise in the region and more and more organization in the UAE are looking to organize an event for their corporate teams that’s exciting, outdoorsy, and fun at the same time!

 UAE has it all when it comes to organizing a glamping event, it has the right people, it has the right amount of glamour, it has the right equipment, and it has the best locations where the campsites can be erected! Places like the Bedouin Oasis and Banan Beach are known for providing the ideal spots for glampers!

With everything in favor, all that’s left is hiring the best Event companies in Abu Dhabi to organize the right glamping event for the team. Read ahead to know how the best glamping event can be organized!

How to organize a glamping event


Organizing a glamping event is complicated. With so many things to ensure, there’s always a chance that anything could go wrong at the last minute. From the RSVP management to the delivery of the food and refreshments, there’s a lot that needs to be considered when organizing an event! Read on to know details:

Perform rain check

Outdoor events are only a success if they’ve been planned keeping the weather in mind. The last thing you want is your campsite getting lots of rain and ending up destroying the campsite. Do your research and inquire about the weather forecast from the Emirati meteorological departments. Plan once you've received the green signal from the relevant authorities!

 Inform the team and gather responses

Once the dates have been decided for the events, let your team know about the event that you're planning. RSVP management is essential as it allows you to make arrangements according to the number of people that will be attending the event.

Assign a budget

 Although it may just be about setting up camp, glamorous camping or glamping can be a little expensive. By assigning a budget for the event it’s possible to work with options within the assigned budget. The budget should include break down for:

  • The tents
  • Camping supplies
  • Food and refreshments
  • AV equipment

Choose the right venue

There’s nothing more disappointing than heading over to camp venue only to discover that it’s saturated with campers with little to no space to accommodate your team. It's not only sad but it’s also a waste of time and effort.

It's important to scan camping locations and find the perfect venue for your event. The campsite should be big enough to accommodate all your team members, their campsite, and any entertainment that you wish to include.

Choose the AV equipment and entertainment

Glamping is incomplete without the right entertainment. Refer to experts of AV equipment to help you set up an open air cinema for your event. Roll out the screen and set up the equipment performing a test run to see that it performs without any problems.

Always prepare for backup AV equipment in case of faults in the first one. It's quite common to ignore backup when renting AV equipment, but last minute faults can end up destroying the mood of the event. All the more reasons to rent AV equipment with the right back up!

Get the right menu

BBQ and bonfire is the right food for Camping events. Since there might be no refrigerators it’s important to source the right amount of food for the event, steer clear from fine dining menus, and opt for the best BBQ options available in the vicinity.

Take Away

Glamping events may seem a little rustic, but they're fun and exciting when the arrangements are done just right. Read the tips above for organizing the right glamping event or if it’s all too much for you,   get experts to help you out!

Opt for event companies in Abu Dhabi to help you out with the organization and management of the event. With experts designing your event, your camping event will be the most glamorous one ever!